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The greatest and most accurate E Books on the planet!

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Why choose our books?

Children between the ages of 3 to 10 are particularly at a crucial developmental stage where they begin to form their understanding of right and wrong, honesty, and ethics. This period is marked by rapid cognitive growth and presents them with ethical and moral challenges.

At this age, they start encountering situations that test their honesty, such as the temptation to lie to avoid punishment or to fit in with peers. These years are pivotal in laying the groundwork for their moral compass and understanding of ethical behavior.


These ethical dilemmas extend beyond honesty, touching on fairness, empathy, and responsibility. Without proper guidance, children might find it challenging to make choices that align with ethical principles, which could affect their self-esteem and how they relate to others.

Books that incorporate moral lessons can be invaluable resources for children facing these ethical and moral challenges. Stories with clear morals about honesty, fairness, and empathy provide concrete examples that children can relate to and learn from. They offer a safe space for children to explore the consequences of ethical decisions without facing real-world repercussions.

By identifying with characters and situations, children can better understand the importance of honesty and other virtues, helping them navigate their moral landscapes with confidence and integrity. Moreover, these stories often spark discussions between children and caregivers, providing opportunities for guidance and clarification on complex issues.

Here is a short child's book about lies and honesty with a clear moral to the story. CLICK HERE

Here's a story to teach children the importance of honesty, the consequences of stealing, and the power of forgiveness. CLICK HERE

A story about cheating and deceit and consequences. CLICK HERE

Here's a story about bullying. CLICK HERE

Here's a story about Courage and Bravery. CLICK HERE

A story about perseverance and persistence. CLICK HERE

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Here is a short child's book about lies and honesty with a clear moral to the story.

Moral of the Story:

Truthfulness builds trust, and with trust comes the true treasure of friendship and harmony.

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Here is a short children's book about stealing and redemption with a clear moral to the story.

                 Moral of the Story:
Honesty is the cornerstone of trust and friendship. A single act of dishonesty can disrupt harmony, but the courage to correct one's mistakes can restore peace and unity.

Get the eBook HERE


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This short ebook is designed to engage children aged 4 to 12 with a captivating story that emphasizes the importance of integrity and not cheating through the adventures of relatable animal characters and a setting that sparks their imagination.

Moral of the Story

In the heart of Greenwood, Sammy's tale unfurled a simple truth: Honesty forges the strongest bonds. Cheating may quicken your pace, but integrity wins the race, earning not just medals, but the respect and trust of all. And in the end, it's these connections that make every finish line worth crossing whether first or last.

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Here is a short children's book about bullying and redemption with a clear moral to the story.

Moral of the Story

Bullying darkens the waters of life, but unity and courage can turn the tides. When we stand together against bullying, even the biggest bullies can learn to change their ways and find true strength in friendship and harmony.

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This short ebook is designed to engage children aged 4 to 12 with a captivating story that emphasizes courage and bravery through the adventures of relatable animal characters and a setting that sparks their imagination.
Moral of the Story: Courage is not the absence of fear, but the triumph over it. Wooly's adventure reminds us that bravery doesn't always roar; sometimes, it's the quiet voice at the end of the day whispering, 'I will try again tomorrow.' Through courage and teamwork, even the most daunting challenges can be overcome, reinforcing the bonds of friendship and bravery.

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This short ebook is designed to engage children aged 3 to 12 with a captivating story that emphasizes the importance of perseverance in overcoming obstacles through the adventures of relatable animal characters and a setting that sparks their imagination.


Moral of the Story:
Courage, hard work and perseverance can transform setbacks into opportunities. Oliver’s story shows that through determination and teamwork, one can overcome any challenge and achieve their goals. Never give up.

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